Friday, April 1, 2011

You never kick the ball with your toes!

It was the Saturday before last.  A day that will live on in infamy... at least in my immediate family.  I will never live it down.  After hitting the avalanche,  having the flu,  losing my milk and having a "discussion" with my hubby ( you know the kind you have about the same thing like 1000 times, lol) I had a minor melt down... a temper tantrum if you will.  I kicked the wall (yes the kids were in asleep in bed thank God).  Turns out my walls are made of plaster cement and the only other thing i have ever kicked is a soccerball.  Both of these factors plus the sheer force of my frustration led to 2 broken bones in my right foot.
Today my daughter sweetly told me she hopes i get a new bone soon :)

I love my family

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